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Nypro Healthcare announce 200 jobs for Waterford

Waterford, March 28th 2013 - Taoiseach Enda Kenny together with Richard Bruton, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, today announced that Nypro Healthcare is to establish an additional state of the art medical device manufacturing facility in Ireland. This newly established facility in Waterford will result in the creation of over 200 new high quality jobs in phase 1 which is expected to increase in subsequent years. The investment is supported by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation through IDA Ireland.

Nypro’s new facility will manufacture advanced respiratory and injectable devices for global healthcare and pharmaceutical customers. Among the new positions to be created are healthcare automation engineers and technicians, healthcare quality engineers and technicians, operations managers, program managers, team leaders and operators. Recruitment has commenced and applications can be made through

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD said, "I welcome the decision by Nypro to establish a new medical device manufacturing facility in Waterford with the creation of over 200 highly skilled jobs as it is a significant boon for the whole South East. The recent experience of Nypro - reinvention and refocusing on growing sectors, resonates with the wider Irish economy. Through the Government's Action Plan for Jobs we are refocusing the entire economy back to exports, enterprise and innovation. As the transition of the economy continues there will be more job opportunities for Waterford and the South East. Nypro's investment in Waterford is a massive vote of confidence for the region and will bring new, high-quality jobs."

James O’ Gorman, Vice President, Drug Delivery and Diagnostics of Nypro Healthcare said,

“Nypro Healthcare, a recognised leader in the development and manufacture of complex drug delivery and diagnostic devices, is delighted to announce the addition of a new facility in Ireland in Waterford. Nypro has operated in Ireland in Bray since 1980 and in recent years our healthcare business has grown significantly. Our latest growth phase is built upon the skills, work ethic, creativity and drive of our Nypro Ireland team. We now plan to create over 200 positions in Waterford to manufacture complex respiratory and injection devices for our pharmaceutical customers worldwide. I would like to thank Nypro Inc, the Irish Government, IDA, Waterford city council, FAS and our Nypro Ireland team for their continued support and look forward to further growth of our Irish operations in future years.”

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD said, “The South East has suffered disproportionately from unemployment over the years, and shortly after taking office I established the South East Forum with a plan to address these problems. Since then we have seen major progress, including several significant jobs announcements and a tripling of the number of site visits by IDA Ireland. Today’s announcement that Nypro, a world-leading company with established operations in Ireland, is locating a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Waterford with the creation of over 200 high-end jobs is an enormous boost for the region. It is also a further significant boost for employment in Ireland as we continue to implement our Action Plan for Jobs. I am determined to ensure that, by building on today’s announcement and continuing to implement our plan, we can see further jobs announcements for the South East and for Ireland”.

Barry O’Leary, CEO of IDA Ireland said, ‘’Today’s announcement by Nypro is excellent news for Ireland’s medical technologies sector and for the South East region. Nypro’s new facility, in a key regional location, is in the development and manufacture of drug delivery devices which are key target areas for IDA Ireland and will further add to Ireland’s growing expertise in these areas. The South East region is developing its position as a key location for the life-sciences sector.’’

Notes to editor;

1. Nypro, an American multinational business with operations in 10 countries has a turnover of $1.1 billion. Nypro provides manufacturing services to customers in the Healthcare, Packaging and Consumer/Electronics sectors world wide.

2. Nypro has been in Ireland for over 30 years, and is now a recognised leader in the development and manufacture of complex drug delivery and diagnostic devices.

3. Nypro announces new 210,000 square foot facility in Waterford to compliment Irish footprint.

4. Phase 1 will create in excess of 200 highly skilled engineering and operations roles.

5. This facility will produce complex inhalation and injectable medical devices for large pharmaceutical customers.

Read the Taoiseach's speech

