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Progress Confirmed on Intel’s $5 billion campus upgrade

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore and Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today confirmed the progress of Intel’s $5 billion campus upgrade, the largest private investment in the history of the Irish State.

The Government acknowledged the massive contribution of Intel to Ireland over the last 25 years, both in economic terms and in terms of raising the expectation for industrial development in Ireland.

The project reflects a significant investment by Intel over the past three years starting with an initial $500 million investment announced in early 2011 and growing to a total of $5 billion invested in the upgrade project to date. The project has created 5,000 additional indirect jobs in the planning and construction of the upgrade project. This investment brings the overall capital investment to a total of $12.5 billion invested in Intel Ireland over the past 25 years. As a result of this project the Intel Ireland site will become a high volume site for Intel’s latest leading edge manufacturing process beginning in 2015.

Speaking at a joint press event hosted at the Intel campus in Leixlip, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said:

I am delighted to join with Intel on the occasion of their 25th anniversary to welcome the latest news of their ongoing expansion here in Leixlip.

The expansion, which began in 2011 has resulted in an investment in Ireland totalling $5 billion to date and represents the largest private investment in Ireland in the history of the State.

The Government’s top priority is to get Ireland working and I welcome that this investment will sustain 5,000 additional, indirect jobs through the completion of the construction phase in 2015 while securing the 4,500 existing jobs at the Leixlip facility into the medium term.

At a time of continuing high unemployment, this is a huge boost not just to the Greater Dublin Area but to the entire Irish economy, and particularly to the construction sector.

I would like to acknowledge the massive contribution of Intel to Ireland, both in economic terms and for sending out a signal to the world of Ireland’s attractiveness as a place for big investment.

Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore said:

I would like to congratulate the management and staff of Intel Ireland on the announcement today of the $5 billion investment made in its operation in Leixlip.

This significant investment is not only a vote of confidence in the talent and the performance of the team here, but also in Ireland, in its recovery, and in its future.

As a Government, our number one priority is growing not just jobs, but good quality jobs, in our economy.

Intel’s investment, the 5,000 indirect construction jobs it has generated, and 4,500 existing jobs it secures, is a concrete and positive contribution to that objective.

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton said:

Intel is a globally iconic name that has invested in Ireland for 25 years now and over those years it has become truly embedded in both our economy and our society which is confirmed by the fact that there are more Intel "alumni" working elsewhere in the Irish economy than are currently based in Kildare.

Intel President Renée James said:

I would like to thank the Irish government for its outstanding business partnership with Intel over the past 25 years.

The combination of the pro-business environment which the Irish government has created together with this investment of $5.0 billion in Intel Ireland have resulted in the creation of a technology campus in Leixlip that is now readying itself to produce some of our most advanced products

Read the full press release

