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Taoiseach announces 200 new jobs in Cork

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today announced that global technology company EMC, the world’s biggest maker of storage computers, is to create 200 new jobs in Cork as part of a €100 million expansion programme.

The full-time positions, which span engineering, customer support, sales, finance, research and development and IT, will be based in a new EMC office in Mahon, Co Cork. The new office is scheduled to open this August.

Making the announcement, the Taoiseach said:

This morning is another fantastic day for Cork and the whole South West region...I understand that this year celebrates 25years in Cork by EMC which is a fantastic testament of EMC’s commitment to Ireland.

The fact that a company the size and scale of EMC has remained committed to Cork for so long tells a lot about the location for investment and the talent available.

The Taoiseach noted that EMC 's work on cloud and Big Data fits well with the Government's Action Plan for Jobs:

EMC is making a critical contribution to Ireland’s economy, and the company’s focus on cloud and Big Data aligns well with the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs...

Companies, when making a location decision take into account a multitude of factors at the core of which they are looking for a location with talent and technology backed up by a strong track record and a competitive tax environment.

Ireland has proven to be such a location. New and established multinationals continue to invest and build-out their operations making Ireland the destination of choice for mobile investment projects from the world’s best companies. We have a good research base and a good business environment and improving competitiveness.

Read the full speech here.