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Taoiseach announces 218 jobs by Dublin BIC backed firms

The Taoiseach today announced that 218 jobs will be created by entrepreneurial start-ups backed by the Dublin Business Innovation Centre (BIC) over the next 12 months. The announcement was made at a function in Dublin to mark Dublin BIC’s 25th anniversary. The new jobs will be created across a range of some 30 entrepreneurial firms including Davra Networks, EmpowerTheUser, iCabbi, Learnosity, MMSOFT Design, OpenJaw Technologies, Point of Care, Stratus5 and SafeFood 360.

Ireland is one of the most exciting places in the world today to create the businesses of tomorrow and the work of the Dublin Business Innovation Centre has been vital in building this reputation

...said the Taoiseach.

Job creation is the Government's top priority and I'm delighted that 218 new jobs are being created by Dublin BIC firms. Small firms are vital to job creation and the Government's Action Plan for Jobs aims to create a more supportive environment for entrepreneurs and small businesses to flourish.

93% of entrepreneurial start-ups backed by Dublin BIC expect to increase employment over the next 12 months according to a DKM Economic Consultants study. The DKM report found that in 2012 Dublin BIC backed entrepreneurial start-ups employed 2,428 people directly and were responsible for another 2,032 indirect jobs.

Annette Hughes, director, DKM Economic Consultants, added that 82% of Dublin BIC supported start-ups survived the critical first five years compared to an average of 61% for all Irish start-up companies over the same initial timeframe. Companies which have grown out of Dublin BIC include Havok, Brown Bag Films, MicksGarage, SourceDogg, Blueface, StatCounter, Storyful, Wirelite Sensors, Clevemama and many others.

Des Fahey, CEO, DBIC commented:

International research shows that 70% of net new job creation is generated by high growth companies that are less than five years old. We are an organisation with a track record of enabling entrepreneurs to have the best chance of succeeding.