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Increasing spend on Guaranteed Irish goods by €4 a week would create over 6,000 new jobs a year

A modest increase in spend by households on Guaranteed Irish goods and services of only €4 euro a week could create over 6,200 jobs in Ireland, it was announced at a launch by Enterprise Minister Minister Richard Bruton today.

The Amárach Research on attitudes to Guaranteed Irish show that the vast majority of Irish consumers (83%) believe it is more important today to buy Irish goods and services than it was five years ago, reflecting that at a time when Irish people feel powerless to make a personal difference, buying Guaranteed Irish makes them feel they are doing their bit for the country.

35% of 16-24 year olds are supportive of buying Irish because it helps the economy, compared with 18% of those aged over 55 who buy Irish for economic reasons. 40% of those over 55 buy Guaranteed Irish because it helps them to feel as if they are supporting jobs. One in five of those surveyed say the Guaranteed Irish symbol provides peace of mind about where a produce is produced or manufactured.

86% of Irish consumers say Irish companies should highlight the fact that their products or services are Irish, according to the research.

The survey found that:

  • 41% of the public surveyed recognise the Guaranteed Irish symbol today
  • An overall 36% said buying products or services with the Guaranteed Irish symbol helps them feel like they are supporting Irish jobs and employment
  • Just over three-quarters of the Irish public consciously try to buy Irish products or services 'some of the time' or 'as often as I can'. Likelihood to purchase 'as often as I can' increases with age, and is higher among women and those who have children.
  • Given two similar products, four out of five consumers are likely to pruchase a product with the Guaranteed Irish symbol rather than one that does not carry it
  • Those with children are more likely to buy Irish

Read the full research report from Amárach Research here.

You can view the Minister's comments to in the video below...