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Minister Noonan travelling to World Economic Forum to promote investment in Ireland

The Minister for Finance, Mr. Michael Noonan, T.D. will accompany An Taoiseach to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland tomorrow (22 January 2014) to promote investment in Ireland.

Speaking in advance the Minister stated: “At the World Economic Forum in Davos I will be meeting senior executives of major international companies and key policy makers. I will be updating them on developments in Ireland and discussing the opportunities and challenges in the year ahead. Ireland has exited the EU/IMF programme, made a full return to the financial markets and is open for business and investment. We must take full advantage of every opportunity to drive investment to Ireland. Davos is a great opportunity and platform to promote Ireland as a world-class destination for investment.”


Schedule includes meetings with United States Treasury Secretary Mr. Jacob Lew, Mr. Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, and Mrs. Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, Minister for Finance of Switzerland.

The Minister will participate, with An Taoiseach, in an IDA-hosted event for senior executives of major international companies and hold a number of meetings with representatives from multinational companies and investors.

The Minister will also be speaking to domestic and international media.