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Minister Eoghan Murphy in China to launch 'IFS IRELAND' brand and promote #EFF2017

Today in Shanghai Minister Eoghan Murphy launched the IFS IRELAND* banner brand in China.
Speaking at today's launch and reflecting on his 2-day programme, which includes promoting Irish financial services companies active in Asian markets, Minister Murphy noted,
"My job here is to raise awareness of the strengths of our financial services' sector. I am encouraged from my meetings with Chinese business leaders by their strong interest in opportunities to invest in Ireland and partner with Irish companies.
I want to capitalise on our strategic objective to position Ireland at the cutting edge of financial services innovation and specialisation as clearly resonating and aligned with Chinese Government priorities for this sector."
The Minister's itinerary takes in bilateral meetings with regional Government and senior executives in major Chinese financial institutions. His extensive round of engagements includes meeting and consulting with the vibrant Irish business and ex-pat communities, and brings a focus on the excellent work of the Irish Consulate and trade agencies.
Minister Murphy is using his Asia programme to promote the 2nd European Financial Forum taking place in Dublin Castle on the 24th of January next. Regarding the timing of the Forum, Minister Murphy commented,
"There is a very palpable sense in China since the Brexit vote of the need to understand what lies ahead for doing business in Europe. A consequence of the UK Referendum result is the need to drive home the value Ireland attaches to our access to the single market and the benefits our exporters derive from EU trade agreements across the globe.
I believe the Forum is the right place at the right time to explore the challenges and opportunities arising from the Brexit vote."
Other areas of focus at the Forum include doing business with Asia, promoting diversity in financial services and exploring the risks and opportunities of emerging fintech and blockchain technologies.
Minister Murphy's Asia IFS programme continues with onward travel to Tokyo.
* More information and updates about IFS Ireland and the European Financial Forum can be found at and via the Twitter hashtags #IfsIreland, #EFF2017