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Speech by the Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D. at the Galway Chamber of Commerce/IBEC Business Breakfast at the Radisson Hotel, Galway on Thursday 17 May at 8am

The Fine Gael/Labour Party partnership government was given a strong mandate by the Irish people just 14 months ago.   Since then, we have worked hard to stabilise Ireland’s economy and to get the country pointed in the right direction again.

We have made a solid start, but there is a long way to go.

I acknowledge that some of the measures we have had to take have been painful for people but it is clear that these sacrifices are starting to make a difference.

Our public finances are coming under control. Unemployment, though still far too high, is stabilising.

Growth, although modest, has returned to the Irish economy.

We are continuing to improve the terms and cost of our Troika programme.

The international standing of Ireland is being restored. We are now seen as a country that is on the right track and serious about tackling our problems.

This has led to increased international confidence in Ireland as a place in which to invest and in which to do business.

Throughout my recent visits to the United States, China and elsewhere, the consistent message from both political and business leaders is that they see certainty about Ireland’s place as a member of the Eurozone as a crucial element of Ireland’s attractiveness as a location for investment.

In recent months alone,  numerous multi-national companies have shown their confidence in Ireland by committing to new investments here that will create thousands of new jobs.

In recent weeks alone, companies like Paypal in Dundalk, Amgen in Dun Laoghaire, Apple in Cork, Transero in Shannon, and SAP in Dublin - all of whom have decided to hire more employees.

In Galway alone we have seen recent investments from both foreign and Irish companies like SAP, Cisco, HP, Mylan, NEI, C&F Green Energy and which highlight the dynamism of Galway and of the west of Ireland.

Since the Government came to office over 1,240 jobs have been created by IDA supported companies in Galway.

I want to continue and grow this strong flow of inward investment in the future, for our future.

I want Ireland to have the same access as all other Euro countries to the European Stability Mechanism, which is another critical reassurance for investors and potential investors in Ireland.

The creation of budget rules alone will not be enough to solve Europe’s economic problems.

Throughout the Eurozone crisis, I have consistently argued that Europe needs to develop a growth and jobs strategy alongside these new rules.

We must put a real focus on the potential of the single European market for the creation of jobs for our people.

I am pleased to say that, following pressure from several heads of government including myself, growth and jobs have now become central to the agenda of the European Council.

This argument is being accepted by more and more governments and I welcome all statements by other leaders who support Ireland’s view that a growth strategy is an essential ingredient for European economic recovery.

In conclusion, I want to assure the Irish people that we will do everything we can to ensure that they have all the information they need to make an informed decision on 31st May.

It is essential that the debate is one based on the truth, rather than on fiction.

It is important to note what this Treaty does not contain.  It has nothing that would enable Europe to end Ireland’s low corporate tax rate.  It has nothing that would enable other European countries to impose specific service cuts or charges on Ireland.

The preparation of the annual budget will remain the responsibility of the elected Irish government.

Those will remain sovereign decisions for Ireland.  

We need to ensure other EU members follow the same sound budget rules we ourselves have now adopted, build confidence in both Europe and Ireland, and ensure that investment and jobs keep flowing into our country.