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Tánaiste opens International Markets Week

20170906 Tanaiste International Markets

Pictured are from left Leo McAdams, Director, International Sales & Partnering, Enterprise Ireland, Tanaiste Frances Fitzgerald, Julie Sinnamon, CEO Enterprise Ireland and MInister of State Pat Breen

A survey of Enterprise Ireland client companies attending International Markets Week shows that the Eurozone is the key region where they see the greatest opportunity for their business, with almost two out of three of those who are not currently exporting to the Eurozone (65%) planning to do so in the next 12 months. 

According to the results of the survey of client companies registered to attend International Markets Week: 

  • 44% of respondents consider the Eurozone to be one of the main target regions for their business, with 30% selecting North America and 15% favouring Asia Pacific.     
  • Within the Eurozone, respondents indicated Germany (22%), France (16%), Netherlands (14%), Belgium (11%), and Spain (11%) as countries with the most export potential for their business.
  • Lack of market  information (23%), costs (22%), human resources (17%), languages (13%), the need to adapt products (11%), and regulation (10%) are the main challenges businesses perceive in entering a new export market.

International Markets Week, which opens today at the RDS, will host a record 600 client companies over three days, representing a 33% increase on 2016. More than 130 international Market Advisors from Enterprise Ireland’s 33 overseas offices have returned to Ireland to participate in 2,000 client company meetings, advising Irish companies on global export opportunities and how to diversify into new markets in response to Brexit. 

Tánaiste, Frances Fitzgerald said:

The Government, through Enterprise Ireland, is working to deliver a stronger, more diversified indigenous export sector which has an expanded footprint in the Eurozone and other growth markets. This will make an even greater contribution to jobs and economic growth in Ireland. I can assure you that the government is doing everything possible to respond strongly to the impacts of Brexit in order to safeguard Irish jobs, safeguard investment and expand exports in companies in every part of the country. The additional resources which we have put into Enterprise Ireland overseas offices, and the expertise and supports on offer at International Markets Week 2017 will help Irish businesses to respond to the challenges of Brexit in 2018 and beyond.

International Markets Week takes place from 6th-8th September 2017 at the RDS