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Taoiseach opens Bayer Ltd new Irish office

Picture shows An Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D speaking at Bayer Ltd’s at the official opening of their new offices in Sandyford, Co Dublin

Picture shows An Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D speaking at Bayer Ltd’s at the official opening of their new offices in Sandyford, Co Dublin

Taoiseach Enda Kenny this afternoon opened German company Bayer Ltd's new offices in Sandyford.

Business between Germany and Ireland continues to grow stronger. Total trade between the two countries is currently worth more than €23bn with an increase in exports to Germany this year of 22 per cent. More than 300 German companies employ an estimated 20,000 people in Ireland whilst 58 Irish companies employ 14,000 people in Germany.

Bayer Ltd has been established in Ireland since 1967.