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3,000 additional Back to Education places - Quinn

Education Minsiter Ruairí Quinn today announced the allocation of 3,000 additional Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) places to Vocational Education Committees (VECs) around the country as part of the almost 16,000 additional places being made available under the Government’s Jobs Initiative.

The places will commence in September 2011 and brings the total number of approved BTEI places available nationwide to 12,000.

Announcing the providers of the additional places, Minister Quinn said...

These new BTEI places will provide additional part-time, flexible learning opportunities for at least 3,000 unemployed people who are low-skilled or who left school without completing the Leaving Certificate.

This is vital in order to give them the opportunity to re-skill and upskill and re-enter the world of work as quickly as possible.

The additional places are being funded this year, at a cost of €3 million, through a redeployment of departmental savings.

Read the full press release here.