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€41.2m scheme to start Summer building work in 453 schools

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today announced a €41.2 million Summer building works scheme. 453 primary and post-primary schools were listed as successful applicants.

Speaking about the scheme, Minister Quinn said…

The works in question cover projects in school buildings such as gas, electrical and mechanical works.

These works will be carried out in these schools over the summer months, when the pupils are on holidays, so the disruption to schooling will be kept to a minimum.

The Government has committed in its Programme for Government to advancing with shovel-ready projects as quickly as possible and this investment in our schools will create much-needed jobs in the construction sector.

The capacity of schools to take responsibility for delivering small and medium-scale projects is a key component of the Summer Works Scheme and I’m pleased to be in a position to make funding available this year.

I am confident that school authorities will be able to achieve best value for money on prices for jobs, given the competitive construction market at present and I call on schools to ensure that they maximise the benefit to their schools of the works sanctioned,

The list of successful applicants is available here.