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Minister Sean Sherlock officially launches it@Cork adopt-a-school programme

Minister of State for Research & Innovation, Sean Sherlock T.D., today officially launched the it@Cork adopt-a-school programme.

Speaking at the launch, Minister Sherlock noted that “this innovative programme will help to develop vibrant and creative relationships between IT-intensive organisations and schools.

“It will excite young students and engage them in IT-based innovation.

“It will also help organisations to contribute to the economic and social development of the regions in which they operate.”

The adopt-a-school initiative is a flexible programme which will allow IT-intensive organisations to get involved with schools in various ways. Examples include the provision of software development classes and of necessary IT support, the donation of IT equipment, and work experience opportunities for transition year students interested in IT.

The programme aims to make students aware of the huge array of career choices available in the ICT sector, particularly for those students with imagination and creativity.

The Minister commended it@Cork and its members for demonstrating the “innovative and effective ways in which industry can partner with the education system.

“Congratulations to all of the adopting organisations and participating schools, and I would like to encourage as many organisations as possible to ‘sign up’ to participate in this exemplary programme”.