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Grading bands in Leaving Certificate to be reduced to 8 - Quinn

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today revealed a new model for the grading of Leaving Certificate Examinations with eight bands is likely to replace the existing model which has 14 bands.  The new model is emerging a result of extensive discussions with practitioners, students and stakeholders, as well as both the State Exams Commission (SEC) and National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA).

The model is part of a progress report on the reform of the transition of second level students into higher education.  The high number of grades that currently exist (A1, A2, B1, B2 etc.) are acknowledged to be contributing to a culture of teaching to the test and rote learning.

Further consideration of the grading bands is on-going with a view to introducing the new grading scheme for students sitting the Leaving Cert in June 2017.

Minister Quinn said:

For the first time, we see the concerns around the high stakes nature of the points system and the Leaving Certificate being addressed in a coherent way across both second and third level. I know that all partners have been working intensively in the Transition reform group and within their own sectors to make progress on the three commitments made last year, so that we can together achieve our shared objectives for a better learning experience for students as they move through all stages of their education.

An implementation plan bringing together all elements of reform and the scope and timescales for implementation will be finalised before the end of 2014. Phased changes will begin for students entering 5th year in 2015. Given the sensitive and high stakes nature of the examinations and higher education entry, all change will be carefully managed by the partners.

Read the full press release here.