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Minister Cannon congratulates Galway’s 4,357 Leaving Certificate Students

The Minister for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon T.D., has sent his congratulations to the 4,357 Leaving Certificate students in Galway who are receiving their examination results today.

2,892 students in Galway sat the Established Leaving Certificate, with 1,377 students undertaking the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme, and a further 88 sitting the Leaving Cert Applied Programme.

“I would like to congratulate all the students across Galway who are receiving their Leaving Certificate results today. This marks the culmination of two years of hard work. You should be proud of your achievements in the Leaving Certificate examinations”, said Minister Cannon.

As Minister with responsibility for Training and Skills, the Minister hopes that students receiving their results today will build upon the skills and knowledge acquired over the course of their studies.

“The Leaving Certificate examination consistently displays that we have a very talented pool of young people in this country. This year is no different. It is vitally important that we ensure that this talent is allowed to fully develop in order to contribute to future economic growth”.

In this context, the Minister pointed to the many options that are now available to students to further develop their abilities. These include the higher education sector as well as the suite of programmes available locally and nationally through the further education and training system.

A total of 55,572 students sat their Leaving Cert across the country this year; this is down from 55,816 last year.

The Minister concluded by wishing that all students celebrate their success appropriately and with the maturity that they have shown throughout the course of their studies.