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Minister Cannon presents awards to learners on the Leaving Certificate Applied programmme, Tuam Youthreach Centre

Ciarán Cannon TD, Minister for Training and Skills today presented awards to ten learners who graduated from the Leaving Certificate programme at Tuam Youthreach Programme.

The graduation ceremony took place at the Ard Rí Hotel, Airglooney, Ballygaddy Road in Tuam, Co. Galway.

Tuam Youthreach Centre was founded in 1997 and initially had 10 learners enrolled but this has now grown to 33.

The Centre offers a full Leaving Certificate Applied programme together with full awards at FETAC Levels 3 and 4.

The subjects range from academic to artistic and practical with an emphasis on a holistic education for all.

Addressing the specially invited audience, Minister Cannon said ‘Today is a very proud day for you, the graduates, and your families.’

‘Today’s celebration is a recognition of your hard work and your reward for choosing to continue or return to learning.’

‘You will act as very important role models in the community to encourage other young people to continue with or return to education.’

‘In the current difficult economic climate and with the increase in unemployment, Youthreach’s role as an active labour market programme is important on the basis that young people with improved core competencies are inherently more employable than those without these vital skills.’

‘The fundamental role of Youthreach remains constant - providing low-skilled early school leavers with the key skills and core competencies to enable them to progress to further or higher education or lasting employment,’ said Minister Cannon.

The Minister went on to say ‘The jobs of tomorrow will require new and more advanced skills.’

‘But core skills and key competencies will still be fundamental to any reskilling or upskilling agenda.’

‘It is vital that our people, especially our young people, are equipped with good literacy, numeracy, ICT, interpersonal and self awareness skills.’

‘The Youthreach Programme provides the ideal environment for learners to acquire these core skills and key competencies.’

Minister Cannon concluded by thanking Gerardine McDonagh, the Centre’s Co-ordinator and all the team for their ‘hard work and dedication in assisting the learners to fulfil their potential.’

‘I am confident that the skills and knowledge that all the learners here today have gained will be a stepping-stone to greater achievements in the future.’