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Minister Quinn gives Oireachtas Committee opportunity to input into legislation to establish new Education and Training Boards

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., announced today that following approval of the Government he has referred the General Scheme of an Education and Training Boards Bill to the Joint Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education.

Education and Training Boards will take over the work of the VECs and will have an expanded role in the delivery of further education and training across the country.

Announcing the move, Minister Quinn said, “This new Bill will consolidate the existing nine Vocational Education Acts and will reflect the enhanced future role of the Sector."

The new Bill is a substantial piece of legislation with ten parts, five schedules and over 60 sections.

It provides for the legal establishment of the new Education and Training Boards, sets out the functions of the boards, taking account of the development of the sector over the years, and it facilitates further enhancement of the role of the sector into the future including its proposed role in relation to SOLAS.

Speaking on the referral of Bill to the Joint Committee, Minister Quinn said “This is a new way of doing business on legislation.

“It means the Joint Committee will be dealing with the legislation at a much earlier stage.

“Traditionally a Joint Committee would not have sight of proposed legislation until the Bill, as drafted by the parliamentary draftsman and cleared by Government, became available.

“This more open and democratic approach will give interested parties and stakeholders a much earlier opportunity to consider the proposed legislation and influence its final shape through engagement with my officials or through the work of the Committee,” said the Minister.

The Bill is expected to be introduced to the Oireachtas early in 2012.

The full text of the Bill can be accessed at:

The full text of the Explanatory Memo can be accessed at: