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Minister Sherlock officially opens new extension at Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Clondulane, Fermoy

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock T.D., today officially opened the new extension at Scoil Mhuire gan Smál, Clondulane, Fermoy, Co. Cork.

The extension includes a new classroom and general purpose room for PE, drama, music and much more.

The school has 70 pupils and a staff of four.

Speaking at the event, Minister Sherlock said that: "On the matter of the new extension, a huge thank you and congratulations must be paid to the Parents’ Association for their support in fundraising through various activities.

“Your fundraising, together with the grant of €100,000.00 from the Department of Education and Skills, means that the school can now enjoy the modern facilities of a new classroom and a General Purposes Room."

Minister Sherlock thanked Fr. Aquin Casey, Chairperson of the Board of Management, and the Principal of the school, Liz O'Brien, for "the invitation to celebrate this very important event in the history of this community."

He praised the school for its involvement in the Green Schools Programme.

“I am delighted to hear that you have been awarded two Green Flags for environmental awareness. This is great news, the Green Schools scheme can only improve and enhance your school’s environment, and it is very positive to be involved in such a project,” said the Minister.

Minister Sherlock concluded by saying: “I would like to wish you all, in particular the pupils, staff and parents, the greatest success in your new facilities.”