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Minister Appoints Board of National Council for Special Education

The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, T.D., today announced appointments to the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) for 2016 – 2018.
The NCSE is a Statutory Body with the structure and functions set out in the Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act 2004, with a 13 member Council which must consist of at least 6 men and at least 6 women. Its functions include:
· planning for, and co-ordinating, the provision of education for children with special educational needs and ensuring that a continuum of special educational provision is available conducting and carrying out research
· providing policy advice to the Minister for Education and Skills in relation to special education
· disseminating information, including best practice, on special education to parents, schools and other interested persons
· consult with voluntary bodies to ensure that their knowledge and expertise can inform the development of policy by the Council.
The Council of the NCSE will be composed of the following members:
· Mr Eamon Stack – Chairperson (Nominee of the Minister for Education and Skills)
· Mr Seán Ó’Murchú (Nominee of Minister for Education and Skills)
· Professor Sheelagh Drudy (Nominee of the Minister for Education and Skills)
· Ms Anne Tansey (Nominee of the Minister for Education and Skills)
· Mr Joe Hayes (Nominee of the Minister for Education and Skills)
· Mr Don Mahon (Nominee of the Minister for Education and Skills)
· Ms Eithne Fitzgerald (Nominee of the National Disability Authority)
· Mr Tom O’Sullivan (Nominee of the National Disability Authority)
· Ms Helen Guinan (Nominee of the National Association of Board of Managements for Special Education (NABMSE))
· Ms Marion Meaney (Nominee of the Minister for Health)
· Dr Finian O’Shea (Nominee of the Church of Ireland College of Education)
· Ms Aine Lynch (Nominee of the National Primary Parents Association)
· Ms Antoinette Mac Gearailt (Nominee of theAssociation of Community and Comprehensive Schools)
Mr Eamon Stack, Mr Seán Ó’Murchú, Professor Sheelagh Drudy, Ms. Eithne Fitzgerald, Mr Tom O’Sullivan and Ms Helen Guinan have been re-appointed to the Council, all having served one term on the previous Council.
The Minister welcomed the new appointees and wished them well in their roles on the Council of NCSE

Note for Editor

Establishment and Role of the Agency

The National Council for Special Education was established under the Education of Persons with Special Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act, 2004 to improve the delivery of education services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities with particular emphasis on children. The NCSE provides advice and information on special education to schools and parents; allocates resource teacher and special needs assistant supports to schools; undertakes and disseminates research into special education; and provides policy advice to the Minister for Education and Skills on issues relating to special education. The NCSE also has advisory roles in relation to the provision of specialist equipment/assistive technology for students and special school transport arrangements.

The general functions of the Council are set out in Section 20 of the EPSEN Act.

In carrying out its functions under the Act, the Council is required to consult directly with stakeholders as necessary and to establish a formal national Consultative Forum representative of all the stakeholders.
Further information on the work of the National Council for Special Education is available at

There is no remuneration or fee for the position.