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Minister Halligan announces establishment of cross party group in relation to School Transport Review

Minister Halligan is pleased to announce the establishment of a cross party group to feed into the review of the concessionary charges and rules element of the School Transport Scheme.

Under the Programme for Government there is a commitment to carry out this Review.

The Review will comprise an overview of the School Transport Scheme as it currently operates, an examination of the current position regarding concessionary transport and identify possible options with estimated costings

Minister Halligan will be in contact with various parties seeking nominations for the group over the next few days and it is planned that the group will meet in early September.

The Review is currently underway and the results of this Review will be considered in the context of Budget 2017.

School Transport is a very significant operation managed by Bus Éireann on behalf of the Department. In the region of 113,000 children, including some 10,000 children with special educational needs, are transported in approximately 4,000 vehicles each school day.