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“Maths Counts 2016” Conference for Teachers of Mathematics

The third National Conference on the teaching of Mathematics, Maths Counts 2016, is taking place on Friday and Saturday, 22 and 23 April in University College Dublin
The conference is a celebration of best practice in the teaching of mathematics across Ireland. It is being organised by the Project Maths Development Team (PMDT), a professional development support service for teachers led by Dr Anne Brosnan and established by the Department of Education and Skills.
Reflections on Practice, adopted from the Japanese Model of Lesson study, will showcase the work of some 50 post-primary schools and 28 Research Groups involving 150 teachers who came together after school to improve the effectiveness of their teaching through problem-solving by planning and designing research lessons, teaching the lessons with peer observation and reflecting on the lesson with their fellow teachers.
This conference offers a rare opportunity to view 3 live problem solving lessons by world acclaimed Professor Akihiko Takahashi*, whose contribution to the proceedings will prove to be invaluable in terms of his insights and experience in relation to problem-solving, the teaching and learning of mathematics and beyond.
Minister for Education and Skills, Ms. Jan O’Sullivan T.D, said “Changing the way Mathematics is taught and learned in the new curriculum for post-primary schools is an important route to improving the outcomes for students and achieving the objectives of the National Strategy to improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011-2020.” The Minister continued: “The innovation by the Project Maths Development Team led by Dr Anne Brosnan, in ensuring that Irish Maths teachers have access to world class insights, is greatly appreciated”.
Dr Brosnan said: “I would like to thank the students from Marian College, Ballsbridge, their principal Mr Paul Meany and teacher Ms Alison Bird for participating in these live lessons. Sponsorship provided by Microsoft, Wriggle, Build Up, Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network and The Ireland Funds has enabled the conference to take place. We acknowledge the significant contribution made by teachers by their involvement in their own time over 6 evenings to Reflections on Practice and their school principals for organising the classroom observation and post-lesson discussion in their schools. The presentations on Saturday will present part of the rich tapestry of teachers’ experiences of problem-solving through their engagement in Reflections on Practice. Teachers will hear directly from other teachers as they disseminate their strategies based on real classroom experiences. Teachers find this form of peer to peer sharing to be a particularly beneficial form of professional development. The wide variety and topics covered have been carefully selected to give conference participants a wealth of ideas and inspiration.”
Mr Seamus Knox, Senior Inspector of Mathematics from the Department of Education and Skills, will make the opening address.
Mr. Damien English TD, Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, said:
“The fact that over 230 teachers of mathematics have registered for this conference, taking place over the weekend, is testament to the enthusiasm and professionalism of our teachers. We are fortunate to have teachers like this.”
*Dr. Akihiko Takahashi is an Associate Professor of mathematics education at DePaul University in the United States and Professor at Tokyo Gakugei University in Japan; has published over 45 articles and has educated at conferences and workshops in Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippine, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, Uganda, United Kingdom, and United States.
Videos of all 3 live demonstration lessons from the conference and Research Lesson Plans designed by teachers will be available online following the event. For these and more information on the services provided by the Project Maths Development Team, please see
Note to Editors:
The Project Maths Development Team (PMDT) is a professional development support service established by the Department of Education and Skills. It is a team of experienced teachers of mathematics who are available to provide leadership and support for mathematics teachers and school principals in bringing about change in the approach to teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms. Supports include Lesson Study, resources to support both teachers and students, the provision of modular courses in ICT and content, school visits and the creation and maintenance of web-based support.