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Government reform will give renewed impetus to Limerick Regeneration - Minister Jan O'Sullivan

A total reorganisation of how regeneration is delivered in Limerick will ensure that the focus shifts to building quality homes and sustainable communities Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan, TD said today.

“Last February I announced a complete transformation of how regeneration is delivered on the ground.  Next month a new Regeneration Office will take responsibility for the project – and its clear remit is to refocus resources on building communities in the regeneration areas.”

“This new approach to regeneration provides a fresh start.  There is a lot of ‘blame game’ surrounding flaws in the past with the regeneration project.  I’ve no interest in adding to these squabbles, I am clearly focused on the future of regeneration.”

“That said there are lessons to be learnt from recent experiences.  Limerick Regeneration was unable to galvanise the various stakeholders in the project and this diverted from the core goal of the regeneration project.  The new Regeneration Office is designed so that all key partners are working together dedicated to delivering an agreed plan.  It will transform how the regeneration project is delivered and I am confident that communities will see the benefits within months.”

“Approximately 100 new homes will be under way this year, with the first 33 of these coming on stream shortly.  The first brownfield site in Southill will also be available for re-development in the coming months.  It is planned that two further sites for housing construction, at Vizes Court and Lord Edward Street will be ready year end.”

“This year €27.5m will be spent on Limerick Regeneration.  It’s a testament to the Government’s commitment to Limerick that this level of funding has been guaranteed, even in these straightened times.  However, we have to ensure that this funding delivers real results, results that improve the lives of families and communities in Limerick who for too long were neglected and abandoned.  I am determined to make that happen.”