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Hogan thanks over half a million people who have already paid the Household Charge

During a visit to the Household Charge Bureau this evening (29th March 2012), Minister Phil Hogan T.D. thanked everyone who has already paid the €100 Household Charge and encouraged those who haven’t yet paid to do so.

"Irish people have had a tough time of it over the last few years and, in spite of that, over half a million people have paid the Household Charge. They understand the importance of compliance with the law of the land and, by paying the Household charge, they have made their contribution to the continuation of essential services at the local level. I would like to thank them for this.".

"We are on the road to economic recovery. This Government is prepared to take the tough decisions that will get us there. Nobody wants the imposition of new taxes or charges and I would have preferred not to have had to introduce this charge. However, the principle of the Household Charge is very important. We are one of the last countries in Europe not to pay for essential local services through a locally–based tax. The tax base in Ireland is being broadened through the introduction of the Household Charge and this will serve to move the focus away from taxing people’s work which will in turn support employment generation.

"The EU/IMF Programme of Financial Support committed us to the introduction of a property tax in 2012. The Household Charge is an interim measure and I will introduce a comprehensive and equitable valuation-based property tax as soon as I possibly can. We have achieved our Programme targets and we need to continue on this path to enhance our international reputation.

"I have sought to protect the most vunerable in society and those that do not own a residential property and whose housing needs are met through social housing options or the private rented market do not have to pay the charge. I have also provided that those persons in receipt of mortgage interest supplement and those who have had to vacate their property by reason of long-term mental or physical infirmity are not liable to pay the Household Charge.

"A concerted effort is needed over the next few years to return our country to prosperity. This will require very strong leadership and a sustained commitment to the reform programme that is underway. We are making solid progress. Ireland will recover and this Government, with the people’s help, will make sure of it. I would like to thank everyone who has paid the Household Charge to date. I strongly encourage those who haven’t done so to pay the Household Charge before 31 March and avoid having to pay unnecessary late payment penalties."