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Major progress on tackling unfinished estates - O’Sullivan

Housing & Planning Minister Jan O'Sullivan today published the second annual progress report on tackling the issue of unfinished housing developments which points to “even more progress in bringing to a conclusion this most distressing of circumstances left over from the doomed tiger years”

Minister O’Sullivan was speaking at the launch of the report which also includes the results from the 2013 National Housing Development Survey. The survey has been tracking the extent and condition of unfinished housing developments since 2010. Among the key findings of this year’s survey are:

  • A decrease of 56% in the number of unfinished developments since 2010
  • 72% decrease in number of vacant units in remaining unfinished developments since 2010
  • 553 developments effectively resolved in past 12 months

The Minister said:

The 2013 National Housing Development Survey highlights the progress that has been made since this administration came to office” she said. In announcing the results she paid tribute to all of the participants on the National Co-ordinating Committee on Unfinished housing Developments (NCC) “ I am particularly pleased with the progress made through our collaborative approach at NCC level and I must pay tribute to all of the contributors who have engaged meaningfully and proactively in that process.

Of the remaining 1258 unfinished developments she indicated that her objective is to move the issue to its endgame, particularly in relation to the 992 developments with residents.

The Minister continued:

We will proceed with a multi-pronged approach. Resolution of the developments will in the first instance be by means of enforcement of planning conditions at local authority level and/or the release of funds from bonds.

Read the full press release here.