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Minister Coveney opens National Forum to develop a Framework Policy for Local & Community Development

Minister Simon Coveney, T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, today (23/11/2016) welcomed key local development and community development stakeholders to have their say in the development of an implementation plan for the Framework Policy for Local and Community Development in Ireland, which was approved by Government in December 2015.

The National Forum took place at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, with more than 230 participants in attendance.

The Forum afforded communities, their representatives and those directly involved in local development and community development an important opportunity to discuss critical issues facing our communities and to input to the development of the implementation plan. The plan will contribute to the Programme for Government commitment to produce a coherent policy framework and develop a strategy to support the community and voluntary sector and encourage a cooperative approach between public bodies and the community and voluntary sector.

The day centred around five thematic workshops that aligned closely with the themes of the Framework Policy. The themes include Engaging with Communities; Working with Partners; Planning for Local and Community Development; Achieving with Partners; and Securing best outcomes for Communities.

Addressing the Forum, Minister Coveney said that working “together we can figure out better ways for the State structures to engage with communities in the development of policies and supports that impact upon them. We can identify better ways of working together locally and nationally so that we provide more effective services for those who need them most and better target those services…….I am fully committed to working with all of you to build on our work of recent years and also to grow the supports for our communities in the years to come.


Note for Editor:
In September 2011, the then Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr. Phil Hogan T.D., established the Alignment Steering Group to consider options for achieving greater collaboration and co-operation between local government and local development in the planning and delivery of local and community development programmes and interventions.

Greater alignment between local government and local development presents significant opportunities for the co-ordination of local and community development activities. It provides a more central role for local government in local development and community development with the aim of strengthening the relationships between local government and the sectors and bringing together the resources of both in a constructive way for the benefit of communities.

As part of its deliberations, the Alignment Steering Group identified the need for an overarching policy to underpin the State’s engagement with the local development and community sectors. Overseen by the Inter-Departmental Group on Local and Community Development, the Framework Policy for Local and Community Development was developed in response to the Steering Group’s recommendation. It was approved by Government in December 2015 and published in January 2016.

The Department is hosting Our Communities – A National Forum (23rd November 2016) with the aim of developing, in partnership with other key stakeholders, an implementation plan for the Framework Policy.

Invites to the Forum issued to community and voluntary organisations, Local Community Development Committees, local development and community development bodies, government departments, local authorities and others. The Forum will ensure that people who are directly involved in local development and community development will have a voice in developing the implementation plan.

Over 230 participants registered for the Forum.