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Minister Coveney welcomes the publication of his Department's Statement of Strategy 2016 - 2019

Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, today (13 January 2017) welcomed the publication of his Department's Statement of Strategy 2016 - 2019.

The Minister stated that the document would serve as a workplan for the coming years to enable his Department to continue to deliver services in line with relevant Programme for a Partnership Government commitments.

Minister Coveney highlighted in particular his Department’s ongoing commitment to tackling Ireland’s housing crisis and emphasised that its resources are being deployed to drive delivery of the Government’s Action Plan on Housing and Homelessness, Rebuilding Ireland. Key objectives in this regard include significantly increasing the supply of social housing, doubling the output of overall housing from the current levels to at least 25,000 per annum by 2020, and tackling homelessness in a comprehensive manner. The aim is to accelerate all types of housing supply – social, private and rental, resulting in a dramatic increase in the delivery of much needed homes in the right locations at more affordable prices.

The recently published Strategy for the Rental Sector delivers on a commitment made under the Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness and sets out the manner in which a viable and sustainable rental sector can be developed in order to provide choice, quality and security for households and secure, attractive investment opportunities for landlords.

The Minister also advised that while the main strategic focus for the Department over the period of the strategy will be on driving implementation of the Action Plan for Housing, other immediate priorities include the development of a new National Planning Framework to succeed the National Spatial Strategy, as well as progressing the Maritime and Foreshore Area (Amendment) Bill in order provide a new consent regime for development in the Marine Area.

The National Planning Framework, which will be published later this year following an inclusive consultation process with stakeholders and the general public, will serve as a strategic plan for Ireland to 2040, pulling together relevant Government policies and investment on national and regional development. It will focus on economic development and investment in housing, water services, transport, communications, energy, health and education infrastructure.

Minister Coveney said: “Driving a national effort to tackle Ireland’s housing crisis is the Government’s top priority and the biggest challenge we face as a country. This Statement of Strategy reflects that fact, but also highlights the broader agenda and work of my Department in terms of how we plan for development, how we manage our water resources, how we fund and structure our local government and how we support vibrant, inclusive communities.”

The Statement of Strategy is structured on the basis of high-level or strategic goals, one for each of the Department’s main programme areas. It sets out the objectives and actions the Department will pursue across its diverse range of functions, including housing, planning, water, local government and community services, as well as within Met Éireann.

The Statement of Strategy 2016 – 2019 is available on the Department's website: