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Tánaiste welcomes €15m renovation fund to turn vacant units into family homes

The Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore T.D., has welcomed today’s announcement by the Minister for Housing & Planning, Jan O’Sullivan, that 952 vacant local authority homes around Ireland are to be renovated under a €15m funding package.

“This funding will transform local authority units which have been out of use for long periods into good quality homes for families in need”, the Tánaiste said.

“The additional units are being provided in areas which have a strong social housing demand. Not only it will see families being put in good homes, but it will also guarantee a rental income for local authority.

“Long-term vacant housing units cause a variety of problems for local communities, often becoming targets for anti-social behaviour, litter or dumping. Some communities have lived with these issues for far too long, and that is why it was imperative the Government take action by providing €15 million to return these vacant properties into good use once again.

“The provision of quality social housing is a priority issue for this Government, and this will continue to be the case during its lifetime. We are committed to improving and growing our social housing stock, and I must commend the Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform Brendan Howlin who worked with Minister of State O’Sullivan on this particular initiative.

“Today’s announcement is in addition to measures already undertaken by this Government in this area including a €30m spend this year to upgrade the energy efficiency of the least well-insulated local authority homes, and a €35 million housing investment for people with a disability, who are homeless or elderly.

“While a lot more work remains to be done to meet social housing demand in Ireland today, this announcement is a significant step forward and will go a long way towards putting a roof over the heads of hard-pressed families.”