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Minister Creighton highlights importance of jobs and growth while talks continue on eurozone crisis

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creigthon T.D., speaking in Brussels today highlighted the importance of keeping a focus on jobs and growth while talks continue on the eurozone debt and banking situation.

Speaking at the General Affairs Council ahead of tomorrow’s European Council, the Minister said:

"While Finance Ministers discuss how to strengthen our common currency and our banking system, we must also prioritise measures that will have the greatest impact on jobs and growth. This is not what is fascinating the press or moving the markets, but it is what will help Europe recover and move beyond the current crisis".

"Yes, we need to have a credible solution for Greece, a sound banking system and an appropriate framework for economic governance. But without growth, and the right policies to achieve it, we will not get our economies back on track and moving forward".

On the subject of treaty change, the Minister said:

"Let’s first of all identify what we need to do to stabilise our currency and get our economies growing. Then we can identify how best to achieve our aims. I appreciate that some consider changes to the Treaty to be required. But let’s explore all options"