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Minister Creighton launches EU Jobs Information & Recruitment Campaign

The Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD today launched a new campaign to promote awareness among Irish people of the career opportunities available in the EU institutions and the internships available in the hundreds of related organisations.

Ireland is well represented in the middle and upper management level of the EU institutions. However, there are insufficient numbers of officials of Irish nationality at more junior grades. This, coupled with the retirement of many officials of Irish nationality, will see numbers falling in the coming years. It is for this reason that the Minister decided to take an active role in promoting awareness throughout Ireland.

The Minister said at the launch:

"In Ireland, we are sometimes unaware of the career opportunities that exist, from working directly in the EU institutions to one of the numerous related organisations. This campaign will provide information about the variety of careers available, information about how to get there and support for those considering applying for these positions. In the next 7 years the European Parliament will renew nearly 50% of its staff; why shouldn’t a respectable number of them be Irish?"

The Minister is committed to visiting most universities and third level institutions in the state so that both current students and alumni can get the chance hear about these opportunities.

The Minister also said:

"In Brussels Irish people were, and still are, highly regarded for their efficiency, impartiality and their legendary networking skills! They have devoted many hours, and some have devoted their lives, to working for the European Union. This selfless contribution has been an integral part in building the institutions and the ideas we have today. Having a steady flow of high quality Irish candidates entering the EU institutions is not only beneficial to Ireland but beneficial to the EU. Irish graduates are highly sought after in the EU institutions. This is why I will urge them to consider careers in the EU."

Every third level institution in the country will be provided with information packs containing material on career possibilities, methods of application, potential of internships and "stages". The electronic version of these packs can be found on The campaign includes a Facebook and Twitter campaign where relevant content will be added regularly to ensure people are kept informed of the latest news. The Minister is cooperating with European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament and Commission representations in Ireland.