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Minister Creighton to meet French EU Minister in Paris

The Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton T.D., will travel to Paris this evening for talks with Jean Leonetti, French Minister for European Affairs. The Ministers will discuss last week’s European Council and the ongoing situation in the Euro Area, preparations for Ireland’s presidency of the European Union in 2013 and progress on the next EU Budget (Multi-Annual Financial Framework), which has the potential to sanction €1,025 billion in spending up to 2020.

The Ministers will also focus on the potential for future growth and share ideas on advancing the Single Market, particularly through research and innovation.

Minister Creighton said: "I very much welcome this opportunity to meet my French colleague. We have been working hard to develop alliances with other European Member states and I look forward to progressing issues of mutual concern with Minister Leonetti, such as our interest in the promotion of SMEs across the Union and our shared goals on the Common Agricultural Policy. It will also, of course, be very useful to take stock after last week’s European Council meeting in Brussels."

Minister Creighton will also meet a number of French journalists and think tanks while in Paris.