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Minister Creighton visits Bulgaria ahead of Irish EU Presidency

SOFIA, 22 September 2012 - Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton, TD, visited the Bulgarian capital to meet with her ministerial counterpart, Mr. Ivan Naydenov.

The two Ministers discussed Ireland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which begins on 1 January 2013.

Speaking in Sofia, Minister Creighton said: "My meeting with Minister Naydenov was an opportunity to focus on some of the issues of mutual interest that are likely to arise on the agenda during the Irish Presidency. We discussed how we might work closely together to bring about results on shared objectives, in particular, supporting measures for economic stability and sustainable growth within the EU. It is my intention that by discussing issues in advance and by building relations with our partners we will maximise our opportunity to make progress on important initiatives during the Irish Presidency."

"2013 has been designated the European Year of Citizens which gives us an opportunity to focus on the issues that are of most concern to citizens in Bulgaria, Ireland, and across the EU. In Ireland, we will also mark the 40th anniversary of our accession to the EU and it will be an opportunity for us to reflect on the benefits that membership of the Union has brought to all our citizens."

"We also discussed the enlargement agenda an area where we hope to make progress during our Presidency. Bulgaria concluded accession negotiations during Ireland’s EU presidency in 2004 and joined, along with Romania, in January 2007. Next week I will travel to the Balkans for a series of meetings in Belgrade, Skojpe, Ljubljana, Pristina and Tirana."

Minister Creighton noted that the Government decision in July to lift labour market restrictions in Ireland for Bulgarians was very welcome and will enhance cooperation and understanding between the two countries.