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Minister Donohoe travels to Poland to further strengthen Irish-Polish relations

Minister for European Affairs, Paschal Donohoe TD, will today (Thursday) travel to Poland to meet with the Polish Minister for European Affairs, Piotr Serafin. A meeting will also be held with the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Minister Zbigniew Rynasiewicz.

While in Warsaw, Minister Donohoe will also address the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and meet with members of the Irish business community.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Minister Donohoe said: ‘The integration between Poland and Ireland has increased significantly over the years and relations between the two countries are stronger than ever’.

“I am travelling to Warsaw to meet with my opposite number in a bid to further strengthen relations between our countries. I will also be meeting with Minister Rynasiewicz to discuss recent developments between Irish construction companies and Polish contractors.

“I will also meet with Irish members of the business community who have set up in Poland to get a get an indication of how life is for them there. Every overseas visit represents an opportunity to deliver the message that Ireland is a good place in which to do business. On the day when the Quarterly National Household Survey figures outline that employment has increased by 61,000 in the year to the fourth quarter 2013, I will be pressing that point in the hope of encouraging future investment here at home.”