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Minister of State Creighton addresses the IIEA in Brussels

Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton T.D., is in Brussels this evening where she will address the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) on the subject of:  "Strengthening Ireland's Relationship with our EU partners".  

The Minister will emphasise the need for concerted action at EU level to deal with the economic challenges facing the Union:

"We cannot hope to face these challenges if Europe is divided.  We have every chance of ensuring a secure and prosperous future for our citizens if we have the courage to stand tall and proud together".  

The Minister will argue the need for Ireland to take a lead role in this respect:

"Ireland cannot simply sit back and expect other countries to lead the way.  We have the capacity, the drive and the tenacity to lead this charge ourselves.  We can move from being a country narrowly and myopically defending national interests, to one which leads the field in seeing our interest and that of our neighbours best served by advancing the common European interest".

While in Brussels the Minister will also meet other European Affairs Ministers and attend an event to mark the 35th anniversary of the founding of the European People’s Party (EPP).