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Official EU Parliament visits start ahead of Irish Presidency

- Today sees the start of a series of visits by leading European Parliamentarians to Ireland in advance of the Irish Presidency of the European Union next year.

A delegation of Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) including the leader of the ALDE group and former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, travel to Dublin for a one-day visit where they will meet with the Tanaiste, Minister for Finance, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Minister for Social Protection, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Minister of State with special responsibility for Research and Innovation Sean Sherlock, and Minister of State with special responsibility for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton. The group will be exchanging their views on a range of legislative and policy issues relating to the agenda of the Irish Presidency, including Ireland’s response to the economic and financial crisis, CAP and Horizon 2020.

This is the first of a series of visits by the three main European Parliament political groups – the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) will visit on 26 November, the European People’s Party (EPP) on 29 November. These visits will then culminate in the Conference of Presidents on the 29 November where all nine Presidents of the political groups will convene in Dublin Castle for a day long meeting to discuss Ireland’s Presidency Programme.

The European Parliament plays an increased role in the legislative work of the EU, notably since the Lisbon Treaty and will be a key player in the success of the Irish Presidency. In light of this, the Irish Government has undertaken a significant engagement programme with the European Parliament in preparation of our Presidency which has seen over 35 visits to the European Parliament by Irish Ministers in the past 18 months. These include:

Tanaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore TD, presented at the July plenary in Strasbourg and met with President Schulz and the Chairs of the Economic Affairs Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Employment and Social Affairs Committee

Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD, has visited the plenary of the European Parliament on six occasions and has met with 40 MEPs including the President, Vice-Presidents, Committee Chairs and coordinators, and rapporteurs.


Notes for Editors

About ALDE

ALDE is the third largest party grouping within the Parliament and the party of Independent MEP Marian Harkin and Fianna Fail MEPs Liam Aylward, Brian Crowley and Pat the Cope Gallagher. It is also the former party of President of the European Parliament Pat Cox.

For more information see

For further details

If you are interested in finding out more about this visit or the series of European Parliament visits, please contact:

Andrea Pappin

Spokesperson for the Irish Presidency of the European Union, 2013

087 7987769
