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Shatter: Speech by Alan Shatter TD, Irish Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence International Holocaust Remembrance Day European Parliament, Brussels,

President Schultz, Dr. Kantor, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

We meet to remember the victims of the Shoah.

We remember the Roma, Sinti, Slavs, gay men, disabled persons, Jehovah

witnesses and dissidents who were murdered.

And we remember that, as Elie Wiesel teaches us, ‘while not all victims

were Jews, all Jews were victims’ (Elie Wiesel, After the Darkness –

Reflections on the Holocaust (Schocken Books 2002) p 10). The Nazis

intended to erase the European Jewish civilisation from the face of the

earth. In the war, they murdered each day, on average, 3000 Jews. And to

stamp out the future, they killed a million Jewish children.

Driven by a lethal racist prejudice, they and their collaborators

perpetrated cruel, inhuman and degrading acts, slaughtered millions without

inhibition, and left many of the survivors feeling that they had outlived

their own deaths.

The savage norm in the death camps included beatings, shootings, gassing,

hanging, burning, freezing, mutilating for medical research, starvation,

untreated disease, exhaustion.

The Shoah was not a matter of abstract numbers. The Mishnah tells us that

to kill a single person is to kill a whole world. The Nazis killed a whole

world, six million times.

We can find no meaning in the Shoah. Primo Levi writes that shortly after

he arrived in Auschwitz, he felt a thirst. When he opened a window and

broke off an icicle, a guard snatched it away from him. Levi asked, ‘Why?’

The guard replied, ‘There is no why here’, and assaulted him (Primo Levi,

Survival In Auschwitz – If This Is A Man (translated by Stuart Woolf) (BN

Publishing 2007) p 18).

We can learn no positive lessons from the Shoah. The Shoah was,

self-evidently, a bottomless infinite inexhaustible evil.

We remember the dangers of indifference. We ask, ‘How could the world

stand idly by when the Nazis were throwing Jewish children into industrial

ovens or leaving children in the queue for the gas chamber standing in ice

until their feet stuck to the ground?’

Sadly, indifference was the norm.

This year we remember the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto in April 1943 -

just seventy years ago. Brave young Jewish fighters battled with only

revolvers against German artillery, fire and poison gas. Czeslaw Milosz’s

poem ‘Campo dei Fiori’ captures what he calls ‘the loneliness of the

dying’. He tells us that neither the ‘sky carousel’ nor the ‘carnival

tune’ stopped revolving in Krasinski Square just outside the walled ghetto,

and wrote that, ‘The bright melody drowned / The salvos from the Ghetto

wall … and the crowds were laughing / on that beautiful Warsaw Sunday’.

Indifference and inhumanity coexisted side by side on the streets near

where the slaughter was taking place.

There was indifference too in the inaction of democratic states when the

Nazi murderers and their collaborators began rounding up the Jewish people

and when they were told about the death camps; in the failure of those who

did not protest against their neighbours being transported to their deaths;

in the role of neutral states that refused refuge or who traded with the

Nazi government; and, in the flight from responsibility of the leaders at

the Evian Conference of 1938 who refused to ease their emigration quotas.

The Nazis took this indifference to be acquiescence and so felt that they

could murder the Jewish people with impunity.

We remember the courage of the survivors who had to bear the constantly

painful burden of memory. If they had not themselves borne witness we

might have had nothing to say to break the Nazi conspiracy of silence.

And we remember the righteous among the nations who risked everything to

save the lives of Jewish people. Among the righteous is Raoul Wallenberg

who saw evil and chose resistance over indifference. Tonight it is right

that we recognise and commemorate his courage in confronting the terror of

the Third Reich and saving many thousands of lives.

Today, we also remember the victims of more recent genocides in Bosnia,

Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur.

But it is not enough to remember; we must also remember to act. We must do

more under the Rule of Law to end intolerance, racism and anti-Semitism.

We must not ignore the increase in anti-Semitism in Europe, the violence

against individuals simply because they are Jewish, and the corrosive rise

in racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric by a malign minority of politicians in

some EU Member States. It is a moral imperative that we unequivocally

repudiate the reprehensible rhetoric of those who seek to contaminate our

political discourse and attempt to inflame dangerous prejudice.

The Shoah did not begin in the death camps – it began with words of hate.

Those words of hate became weapons of mass murder because good people

closed their doors and window shutters and remained silent.

Let us not be under any false and comforting illusion: Civilisation remains

threatened by its oldest enemy: fanatical hatred for the Other. So let us

this day affirm that the principle of ‘Equal concern and respect for all’

is the only true password for a better future.

Let us unite in our commitment to the victims of the Shoah and the lost

generations to do all we can to ensure that the Holocaust of the 20th

century will never again be repeated.


Note for Editors:

Ireland holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This is

the first occasion that the Justice Minister of the Member State holding

the Presidency has participated in the European Parliament’s International

Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony. This event was initiated three years

ago at the European Parliament to commemorate victims of the Holocaust.