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Tánaiste announces expansion of Irish embassy network

Tánaiste and Foreign Affairs Minister Eamon Gilmore today announced an expansion of the Foreign Affairs and Trade diplomatic network abroad, to include five new embassies and three new consulates which will be established in locations across South East Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.

The proposed expansion of the embassy network is specifically designed to support Ireland’s foreign trade and inward investment, and takes account of the soon-to-be published Review of the Government’s Trade, Tourism and Investment Strategy.

Making the announcement, the Tánaiste said:

Ireland has long been under represented abroad by comparison with other countries of a similar size and reputation to ours. While we have just 300 diplomats promoting our economic and strategic interests in 73 locations abroad, countries like Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands have a far greater global presence which leaves Ireland at a distinct disadvantage when trying to compete in both emerging and established markets.

In doing this, we are closing some of the obvious gaps where Ireland currently has little or no footprint. Our aim is to complement the work and global presence of our State agencies as we continue to win new business for Ireland.

I will continue to keep the embassy network under review, particularly in light of the forthcoming Review of Ireland’s Foreign Policy.

Embassies will be established in:

  • Thailand (Bangkok)
  • Indonesia (Jakarta)
  • Croatia (Zagreb)
  • Kenya (Nairobi)
  • The Holy See

The Consulates General to be established are:

  • Hong Kong (China)
  •  Sao Paolo (Brazil)
  • Austin, Texas (USA)

The embassy in Nairobi, Kenya will support Ireland’s aid programme, Irish Aid, which will help to accelerate the planned transition from ‘aid to trade’ in Africa, while the scaled-back, one-person embassy in the Holy See will focus on international development. This will enable Ireland to engage directly with the leadership of Pope Francis on the issues of poverty eradication, hunger and human rights.

The cost of establishing the new missions is expected to come to a net €4.7 million annually, and will be covered from within the existing Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade budget. The new embassies and consulates will be small in size, ranging from one to three diplomatic staff.

As part the same process, the existing embassy network will also undergo some rationalisation and redeployment of staff. Ireland’s embassy to Lesotho will be closed, with Ireland’s embassy in South Africa assuming responsibility for the Kingdom of Lesotho. The Irish embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania, will also be downsized.

Meanwhile, Ireland’s existing Irish Aid office in Freetown, Sierra Leone will be upgraded to embassy status, at no additional cost to the State.

Read the full press release here.