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Taoiseach at Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland conference

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today attended the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland National Conference at Knockranny House Hotel, Westport, Co. Mayo.

Speaking at the conference the Taoiseach said...

For 48 years, the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland has actively campaigned in the interests of people with cystic fibrosis and their families, increasing knowledge and awareness of the condition. It is as a result of their campaigning that the majority of services provided around the country are in existence

The Taoiseach then spoke about St. Vincent's University Hospital in Dublin...

We are now on day 30 of a new government…and our country is facing an unprecedented economic crisis… so unlike the government that went before mine, I cannot, and will not, make major promises to you that can’t be delivered upon.

But I can tell to you that the new Unit in St. Vincent’s Hospital is on track, on time, on budget and it is my intention to make sure it remains that way. The new Programme for Government has committed to expediting its completion and commissioning.. and I am confident of delivering upon this.

This new building will provide 5 wards of twenty new inpatient beds and will accommodate the needs of patients with cystic fibrosis and many other patients whose medical needs require single en suite facilities. Four of the beds on each of the wards will be isolation rooms and this represents best practice in terms of infection control. This new facility will also provide a day treatment service for patients.

The Taoiseach also spoke about National neonatal screening programmes...

In a country with one of the highest reported instances of CF in the world, we have to get this programme off the ground. Progress is being made on this… but I agree with you, it has been too slow. The HSE envisages that this screening will be integrated into the existing National Newborn Bloodspot Screening Programme this summer… and I intend to hold them to that.

Before concluding, the Taoiseach spoke about future plans and policy changes...

A new facility for adult patients with cystic fibrosis has been developed on the main campus of Cork University Hospital, which is due to be opened in the very near future. I understand that this development has been possible due to the collaboration between your Association, Build4life, the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Multi-disciplinary Team and the Executive Management Board of CUH. I congratulate all involved.

...we will introduce Universal Health Insurance, ensuring equal access to care for all by 2016. Under UHI insurers will be obliged to offer the same package of services to all. There will be no discrimination between patients on the grounds of income or insurance status. The existing two-tier system of unequal access to hospital care will end

The Taoiseach's full speech can be read here.