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90 Irish exporting companies to accompany Minister Bruton on 7-day trade and investment mission to China

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, will arrive tomorrow [Thursday 22nd March 2012] in China for a 7-day trade and investment mission        .

The mission will be led by the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, from his arrival in China on Sunday next, 25th March 2012. In the intervening period, Minister Bruton will be in Hong Kong and Shenzen, where his two-day schedule includes:

·        Meetings with 4 IDA target companies in financial services, ICT and telecommunications sectors

·        Meetings with two Enterprise Ireland companies – Movidius and PCH, both successful Irish companies exporting to the Chinese market

·        Meetings with Chinese Government officials

·        The Ireland Trade and Investment Forum in Hong Kong of 150 companies, aimed at increasing trade and investment between the two countries

·        A meeting with board members of the Irish Chamber of Commerce

130 executives from almost 90 Irish companies will accompany the delegation.

To coincide with his departure, the Minister today also launched “Access China”, a guide to doing business in China published by Enterprise Ireland, to help facilitate Irish companies in breaking into the export market there.

Speaking before his departure, the Minister said:

“Over the past year this Government has made solid progress in restoring stability to the Irish economy – while there is still much work to be done, recent jobs announcements and economic data show that our plan is working. The next step now is to build on the progress made so far and pursue new opportunities for jobs and economic growth.

“China is a country of well over a billion people, with the world’s second-largest economy, and has enjoyed incredible economic growth over the past decade. Irish trade with China has grown in recent years, but we must do more if we are to take advantage of the great potential for jobs and growth in Ireland that is provided by China.

“A crucial part of the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs is to increase trade and investment activity with key markets such as China. We have already put in place a series of measures to build on the work done in recent years, including the Foreign Earnings Deduction to encourage companies to put boots on the ground in these markets, but we must do more. The recent visit of the Vice President offered an incredible opportunity, and we are determined to take full advantage to further improve our links with China.

“Ministerial trade missions will form a key part of our strategy to further develop our trade and investment links with China. This visit, led by the Taoiseach, will open many doors for the 90 Irish companies which are travelling, as well as many more who will follow in the coming months and years. It will also offer opportunities for investment by Chinese companies into Ireland.

“I am confident that through this trip, together with a series of other measures in the Action Plan for Jobs, trade and investment with China can play a major role in building a sustainable recovery in our economy”.



Extracts from the Minister’s two-day schedule prior to the Taoiseach’s arrival are included below. 07.30 – 07.45  Friday March 23rd, 2012

 Briefing by Enterprise Ireland & IDA

08.00 – 09.30  Meeting with IDA target company, financial services

10.00 – 11.00  Meeting with board members of the Irish Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong

11.30 - 12.30    Ireland Investment & Trade Forum with 150 companies

13.00 -14.30  Meeting IDA target company, telecommunications

14.30  Return to Hotel

15.30  Depart Hong Kong for Shenzhen by car

16.45  Arrive Shenzhen

17.15  Depart Hotel

17.30 – 19.00  Meeting with Shenzhen Government officials

19.00-21.30    Dinner jointly hosted by Enterprise Ireland and IDA

Saturday March 24th, 2012 08.15  Depart Hotel

09.00 – 10.30  Meeting IDA target company, ICT

10.30  Return to Hotel

12.00 – 13.30  Visit to PCH– Enterprise Ireland client, successful Irish exporter to China, supply chain management experts for the consumer sector

14.00 – 15.15  Meeting with IDA target company, telecommunications

15.15  Depart for Keenhigh HQ (meeting with Enterprise Ireland client company Movidius – semiconductor company, successful Irish exporter to China)

15.30 – 16.15  Meeting Movidus and partner Keenhigh  

18.30  Depart Shenzhen for Shanghai