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Minister Bruton on 5-day trade, investment and St Patrick’s Day trip to USA

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, departs today (Tuesday) for a trade, investment and St Patrick’s Day trip to the west coast of the USA. He will be in the USA for five days of events, including three in Silicon Valley and two in San Francisco.

Before departing the Minister said;

“Just one year ago when a new Government began a process of rebuilding our international reputation over St Patrick’s week our country and our economy was in a much more unstable place. In that year solid progress has been made in restoring our standing internationally and providing political stability at home. While there is still much more work to be done the major jobs announcements in Ireland by companies like PayPal, Sky and Eli Lilly show that investor confidence is returning where Ireland is concerned. My trip this week to meet potential US investors in Ireland and introduce ambitious Irish companies to potential new markets is another step along the way in continuing this steady recovery.”

During his time in Silicon Valley he will:

· hold meetings with 6 IDA target companies, in IT sectors including technology and software, social media and online gaming. The companies he is meeting include both multi-billion dollar multinational companies and high-growth start-ups; and also include companies which already employ large numbers of people in Ireland and are considering expansion, as well as companies which have no facility in Ireland and are considering locating here for the first time

· Attend 4 Enterprise Ireland events, involving companies seeking to break into the US market or expand their activities there, including design/engineering companies PM Greene and Design Partners

· Visit Silicon Valley Bank to discuss among other things the Irish Universities Internship

· Attend a Venture Capital lunch event to help build the Irish VC industry

· Visit Stanford University Graduate School of Business, to discuss the Enterprise Ireland Leadership for Growth programme which is delivered by the University

During his time in San Francisco he will:

· Meet Mayor Edwin E Lee of San Francisco to discuss trade and innovation

· Host a discussion with Irish entrepreneurs based in the San Francisco area

· Attend the official Saint Patrick’s Day reception organised by the Irish Consulate

· Attend St Patrick’s Day Mass at St Patrick's Church, Mission St

· Take part in the 161st annual San Francisco St Patrick’s Day Parade

· Attend two receptions organised by Irish organisations in San Francisco – the Hibernian Newman Luncheon, and the Emerald Society Reception

Concluding his remarks, Minister Bruton said:

“St Patrick’s Day offers Ireland a unique opportunity to capture the attention of the world. This Government is determined to use the occasion to get the greatest possible benefit, in terms of jobs and investment, for Ireland. I am looking forward to this opportunity to meet dynamic Irish companies trying to break into the US market to hear what more the Government can do to help them as they seek to grow their exports and create jobs. I will also be meeting six top US companies considering investing and bringing jobs to Ireland, and will be ensuring that everything possible is done to facilitate them.

“There is of course another side to these trips, and that is meeting Irish communities around the world to provide official recognition of their links to Ireland at this special time of year”.