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Taoiseach to promote Ireland as key trade and investment destination during visit to China

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will begin an official visit to China on Sunday the 25th and will use the opportunity to promote trade and investment in both Shanghai and Beijing.

The key aims of the visit are to develop stronger relations with China and to promote Ireland both as a source of world class products and services for the Chinese market and as a location for Chinese investment.

The four day visit arises from an official invitation from Wen Jiabao, the Chinese Premier. The Taoiseach will meet with Premier Wen in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The invitation follows the successful visit to Ireland in February by Vice President Xi Jinping. The Taoiseach will have a return meeting with the Vice President during his visit.

The Taoiseach’s Beijing programme will include a courtesy call on Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the National People’s Congress. In Shanghai, he will meet with the Mayor of Shanghai.

The Taoiseach will be accompanied by the Minister for Jobs Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton T.D., and a number of key business and academic leaders from across a variety of sectors, supported by the State agencies.

The Taoiseach will also attend a number of business events aimed at promoting sectors of education, financial services, tourism, life sciences, cleantech and agri food.

Outline of key events and timings during Taoiseach’s visit to China

Sunday 25th March – Shanghai

17:45 Networking reception for Business Delegation Marriott City Centre Hotel

Monday 26th March - Shanghai

08:20 Innovation Ireland Business Breakfast

Grand Ballroom, Marriott City Centre Hotel

10:00 MoU signings with Shanghai-based companies

12:00 Meeting with Mayor of Shanghai

Monday 26th March – Beijing

18:00 Meeting with Xi Jinping, Vice President of the People’s Republic of China, Diaoyutai State Guest House

Tuesday 27th March – Beijing

08:30 Business Breakfast followed by MoU signings

11:00 Tourism Ireland Event

St Regis Hotel

12:00 A & L Goodbody Legal Internship Launch

St Regis Hotel


Cultural programme - Visit to Forbidden City


Formal welcome by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China

Great Hall of the People

Official Talks followed by Signing Ceremony followed by

State Banquet

Wednesday 28th March - Beijing

10:00 Tsinghua University – address by Taoiseach

11.55 Meeting with IDA and ICBC

15:30 Courtesy call on Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the National People’s Congress - Great Hall of the People

19:00 Networking Event with Business Delegation, Chinese Alumni of Irish Universities and Irish Community Representatives Embassy of Ireland

Return to Ireland Thursday 29th March