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Minister Coveney re-affirms his commitment to tackling homelessness

The Minister for Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., noted the publication of the March Homeless Figures today (25 April, 2017).

National Figures March 2017
Homeless Adults 4,909
Homeless Families 1,256
Dependents 2,563

“The figures for March are a stark indicator of the challenges we face as we remain focussed and determined to address this problem. The 3,052 households who exited homelessness in 2016 is a substantial increase on the 2,300 exits achieved in 2015. This reflects the significant resources being applied and the ongoing work being done by housing authorities and their partner NGOs in assisting households and individuals transition from homelessness to more permanent homes. We are committed to a higher number exiting in 2017. Said, Minister Coveney.

“A broad range of actions and measures are being advanced by the four Dublin Local Authorities and I continue to meet with the CEOs to deal with this priority for Government, including accommodating families through Homeless Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) and Supported Family Facilities. Accommodation will also be provided in homes that become available through a range of schemes, including the Rapid Build programme and Repair and Leasing scheme. Multiple initiatives to bring vacant properties into use are also underway with both the Housing Agency and local authorities pursuing these properties. In addition my Department, Local Authorities and NGOs continue to meet regularly and work closely together to ensure that suitable and appropriate arrangements and plans are put in place to deliver on the Government’s commitment to exit homeless families from hotels so that by mid-2017, hotels will only be used as emergency accommodation in exceptional circumstances.

“I will continue to work with all the stakeholders to ensure that this ambitious target of Government is met and that a better way of life and the appropriate supports are provided for families, who need them most. In this regard, I and my department officials continue to meet the relevant Local Authority Chief Executives on an ongoing basis,” said the Minister.

Rough Sleeper Count
Minister Coveney has also noted the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) and Dublin City Council (DCC) confirmed today that the official spring count on rough sleeping identified a minimum of 138 persons sleeping rough across the Dublin region on the night of April 4th and into the morning of 5th April.

In January 2017, Minister Coveney approved a further increase in emergency bed capacity in the city for the DRHE and DCC. They are currently working on several different projects with a total capacity of up to 150 additional emergency spaces.

It should be noted that Homeless HAP, along with other social housing supports, are making an important contribution to exits from homelessness. Last year, 810 households were supported into secure tenancies with the Homeless HAP. This year, 505 households have already been supported under the scheme. A HAP Placefinder service, operated by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE) is helping people to secure tenancies under the Homeless HAP pilot scheme. A Homeless Placefinder service has been rolled out by Cork City Council to seek out potential properties under the mainstream HAP scheme.

“Since the launch of Rebuilding Ireland in July last year, we have made continued efforts to deliver on the objectives in the plan in relation to dealing with the challenging and complex issue of homelessness. This Government continues to apply the substantial resources required to deal with homelessness. added Minister Coveney.

“We remain committed to finding more homes for people who find themselves homeless, we remain fully focused on increasing supply which is at the core of our various housing challenges. There are no quick-fix solutions here but I will continue to work with my colleagues in Government and all stakeholders to address the major challenge that is homelessness." ended Minister Coveney.

Note for Editors.

Significant additional resources for tackling homelessness are being delivered under Budget 2017 with an increase of almost 40% in the Exchequer allocation, from €70 million in 2016 to €98 million in 2017. In addition the overall housing budget this year is €1.3 billion.

Exiting Families from Hotels
This is a key priority of Government. In particular Rebuilding Ireland provides for early solutions to address the unacceptable level of families in emergency accommodation:

HAP Homeless Tenancies – 550 in 2016 and 1,200 in 2017.
1,600 vacant units sourced by the Housing Agency (261 contracts signed)
1,500 rapid-build units

The Homeless Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme has been operational since February 2015 across the four housing authorities in the Dublin Region, and is being implemented through the Dublin Region Homeless Executive (DRHE). The pilot is designed to transition qualified households from emergency accommodation into private rented tenancies. In 2016 810 HAP tenancies have been created for homeless households in the Dublin Region. Since the start of this year 505 households have been supported under the scheme.

The Housing Agency will acquire 1,600 vacant housing units over the period to 2020. The Housing Agency will be directly funded with €70 million in capital Exchequer funding to find and acquire suitable portfolios of vacant properties for social housing, including homeless families, directly from financial institutions and investors.

The ‘Rapid Delivery’ programme has been extended under Rebuilding Ireland to deliver 1,500 units by the end of 2018. The Department continues to work closely with the four Dublin local authorities in relation to the rapid delivery programme. With 350 “rapid build” homes currently at various stages of delivery, including construction, we expect to see these units occupied in the coming months and a further 650 homes in progress this year, with another 500 units to be delivered in 2018.

Arrangements and significant co-operation measures between each of the four Dublin Local Authorities are currently in place to facilitate family exits from hotels across the Dublin region. Local Authority Chief Executives meet with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government several times a month to review the progress made in exiting families from hotels and to accelerate activities, where at all possible.

Homeless Place-finder Service.
To support homeless families find suitable accommodation, a Homeless Placefinder Service is operating in Dublin and since March has been established by Cork City Council to support homeless families and individuals in Cork. The service will entail a dedicated resource that will operate together with the established HAP delivery team in the local authority, and will be charged with:
o seeking out potential properties suitable for households currently identified as homeless by Cork City Council by establishing relationships with local property agents and landlords and liaising with specific households to establish their specific needs ;
o supporting homeless households to secure the tenancy arrangements which may include assisting with tenancy agreements and arrangements in that context.

Housing First
Through housing-led initiatives permanent, stable and supported housing will be provided to long-term homeless individuals, thus reducing the reliance on emergency accommodation over time. The target for secure tenancies to be delivered under the Dublin Region ‘housing-first’ initiative has been tripled under the Action Plan from 100 to 300. A Focus Ireland – McVerry Trust consortium is tasked with delivering this programme. Similar housing-led initiatives are being developed for major urban areas outside Dublin.