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Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD addresses Ireland-Turkey business event

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD today addressed a trade seminar hosted by Enterprise Ireland and the Turkish-Irish Business Council.

The Minister encouraged the Turkish and Irish companies in attendance to work to grow trade and investment links between Ireland and Turkey in the period ahead, noting that Brexit is creating challenges and well as opportunities. The seminar was also addressed by the Turkish Minister for the Economy, Nr. Nihat Zeybekci and the two Minister’s met bilaterally following the seminar to discuss Irish-Turkish relations.

Minister Flanagan underscored Ireland’s and the EU’s concerns about the recent referendum and the need to Turkey to return to respect for democratic norms, rule of law, freedom of the media and human rights.

Earlier in the day Minister Zeybekci also met with his counterpart Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Ms. Mary Mitchell O’ Connor TD.

Note to Editors: 

Trade between Ireland and Turkey was valued at €1.6 billion in 2014, 55% in Ireland’s favour. This morning’s seminar was jointly organised by Enterprise Ireland and the Turkish-Irish Business Council (DEiK) and was attended by some 20 Turkish companies and Irish companies.