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Statement by Ministers Flanagan and McHugh on the death of Fr. Jack Finucane, Founder of Concern Worldwide

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D and the Minister of State for Diaspora and International Development, Joe McHugh T.D. have expressed their sadness at the death of Fr. Jack Finucane, co-founder of Concern Worldwide.

Speaking today, the Minister and Minister of State offered their sympathies to the Fr Finucane’s family, friends and colleagues and staff in Concern Worldwide. The Ministers recalled that Fr. Finucane had through his lifetime been a leader in championing the rights of the poor and marginalised.

Minister Flanagan stated:

“I learned today with great sadness of the death of Fr. Jack Finucane.

“Fr. Jack Finucane was an inspiration and was the driving force behind the foundation of Concern Worldwide. People of my generation remember Fr. Finucane and his brother Fr. Aengus showing the most extraordinary moral and physical courage in bringing food and humanitarian assistance to the starving of Biafra in the late 1960s.

“In Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Rwanda, and indeed, in his work with Live Aid, he saved many lives and inspired others to join the struggle for global justice. His legacy will endure in the work of the organisation he helped to found, Concern Worldwide. And his example will continue to inspire all those who champion the cause of global development”.

Minister of State McHugh added:

“The world of development and overseas aid has lost a giant today. With Fr. Finucane’s passing, we have lost an original guiding spirit who helped shape the way aid organisations work. He led the way and he did it in the field, starting in the conflict of Biafra. Everywhere I have travelled in Africa, I have heard his name mentioned and his work cited. We mourn Fr. Finucane’s passing today and honour his enduring work in Africa.”