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Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan TD regarding the Kingsmills massacre

"I note today’s decision of the Public Prosecution Service in Northern Ireland not to bring charges against a person suspected of involvement in the Kingsmills massacre. That there will not be a prosecution is a further disappointment to families that have waited so long for justice. Alan Black, the sole survivor of that terrible night has accepted the decision with his customary grace and humanity

"The inquest into the deaths should now be re-opened and concluded. The Irish Government has committed to full co-operation within the law with the inquest and this will continue. There is ongoing contact with the Coroner’s Service of Northern Ireland.

"Today’s decision is a further reminder that there are many thousands of families from across the community waiting for the legacy institutions, agreed at the Stormont House talks in 2014, which need to be established so that the need for truth and justice can addressed. Dealing with the past in a manner respectful of all will help Northern Ireland move forward. I will be discussing this matter again with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire, at our next meeting."