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Minister Howlin appoints external members to reformed Top Level Appointments Committee

Minister Howlin on announcing the external appointments to TLAC stated “the Government is committed to reform and the reform agenda must be led and driven from the top. The new TLAC now comprises a majority of members appointed from outside the public sector with specific skills in management and HR areas.”

The external members appointed to the Committee are:

Maureen Lynott (Chairperson)

Dr Dorothy Scally, HR Consultant

Mr Martin Murphy, Managing Director, Hewlett Packard Ireland

Mr Clive Brownlee, Praesta Ireland

Mr Kevin Empey, Head of HR, Tower Watson

The Minister added “I would like to take this opportunity to wish the new TLAC members well in their work over the coming years. TLAC has a key role to play in identifying and selecting candidates for the most senior positions throughout the Civil Service. It is essential that the right people are in place in this extraordinarily challenging time.”