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Progress Report on Croke Park agreement published

Public Expenditure Minister Brendan Howlin today published the First Progress Report of the Implementation Body of the Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 ('Croke Park Agreement').

The Minister stated:

I welcome the conclusions of the Implementation Body that there has been solid and measurable progress to date on the implementation of the Croke Park Agreement and that public servants are engaging positively with the efforts to significantly reduce staff numbers, reconfigure services and reform work practices.

I am pleased that the Body has found that sustainable paybill savings of €289m have been achieved.

Nevertheless, in view of the severe fiscal constraints we face, the reality is that further significant cuts in expenditure, coupled with further substantial reductions in the numbers employed in the public service, are unavoidable.

At the same time, we must also ensure that services to the public are maintained and improved to the greatest extent possible. That is the core challenge now for the Agreement. A key element of the Comprehensive Review of Expenditure that is currently being undertaken by my Department is to look at the way services are being delivered and to consider new ways of achieving Government objectives in the context of public sector reform.

 We need to move forward quickly to build on the important progress that has been achieved to date and accelerate the delivery and implementation of urgently needed reform. I look forward to a heightened level of effort and engagement from both public service management and unions in the coming months.

The report is available at:

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Read the full press release here.