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N3 Belturbet Bypass Complete with Opening of Bridge

Following the recent completion of works over the River Erne, the contractor Ferrovial Agroman PT McWilliams Ltd JV have indicated that they are now in a position to fully open the bridge section of the N3 Belturbet Bypass thus completing the entire 6.7km of the bypass on Friday 13th of December. It is expected to open to live traffic by 3:00pm.

(This past August a 5.5km section of the bypass between Staghall roundabout and Drumalure opened, removing heavy N3 traffic from the streets of Belturbet in time for the Festival of the Erne which took place on the August bank holiday weekend.)

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar “Today’s project completion will improve road safety and assist with local and regional economic development along the N3 corridor. I wish everyone safe travel over the coming holidays, and I would like to congratulate Cavan County Council, the National Roads Authority and the contractor for its successful completion.”

Fred Barry, CEO National Roads Authority said: “Today’s bridge opening is welcomed. I would like thank residents and the general public for their patience during the construction phase which included on-going traffic diversions. The full benefits of the scheme will now be realised by all those travelling along the N3. Additionally, I congratulate Cavan County Council, our own NRA team and the Contractor for its delivery.”

Cavan County Council: Would like to thank and acknowledge the cooperation of the general public and residents of the area but in particular the landowners affected during the delivery of this scheme.

Please note: Cavan County Council would like to advise all road users to take due care and attention on this new stretch of road.

Scheme Info:

N3 Belturbet Bypass

6.7km of Single Carriageway which includes a Cable Stayed Bridge across the River Erne and Putiaghan Bog

Total Scheme Budget inclusive of land is €61 Million