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Statement by Minister Donohoe following outcome of SIPTU ballot of Luas workers

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe T.D., today (Thursday) commented on the outcome of the SIPTU ballot of Luas workers.

He expressed surprise and disappointment at the employees’ rejection of the proposal which was agreed last week by their union and their private sector employer, Transdev, at the Workplace Relations Commission.

“The terms of the WRC proposal involved a generous package of pay increases for the workers from their employer – far in excess of what many other private or public sector employers could possibly afford for their staff at this time. So it is difficult to understand the Luas workers’ rejection.”

The Minister called on SIPTU to withdraw its strike notice for Easter Sunday and Monday, notwithstanding the unresolved position between the workers and their employer.

“This weekend is a unique occasion in the history of our nation, as we commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Rising. Public transport services within Dublin will be important to facilitate people travelling to the programme of public events.

The union leadership should reflect very seriously on the impact their industrial action would have on those days. Given the national significance of the Easter Commemorations, the strenuous efforts by the WRC to resolve the ongoing Luas dispute, and the very generous pay terms on offer from the employer, I am calling on SIPTU to explain to the public why Luas services would have to be cancelled for the Commemorations. The public will expect a demonstration of good faith from them on this matter.”