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Appointments to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter TD, today announced that he is seeking expressions of interest from suitably-qualified persons for membership of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal. Details of the functions of the Tribunal, and the qualifications required for membership of it, are available on the web site of the Department of Justice and Equality (

The closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is Tuesday 29 April, 2014.

Appointments to the Tribunal will be made by the Minister for Justice and Equality.

The Tribunal administers both the Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries Criminally Inflicted and the Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries Criminally Inflicted on Prison Officers. Both Schemes are non-statutory.

The Tribunal is entirely responsible for deciding in any particular case whether compensation is payable under the Scheme, and, if so, the amount.

The Chairperson and each Member must be either a practising barrister or a practising solicitor. The Members of the Tribunal act on a part-time basis and are paid fees for work done.

9 April 2014


Notes to the Editor:


Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal

- Appointing of Members

The Minister for Justice and Equality is seeking expressions of interest from suitably-qualified and experienced persons for consideration for appointment as Members of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal (CICT).

Terms of membership are for a period up to but not later than 30 April, 2016. Appointments may be renewed.

Purpose of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal

The Tribunal considers applications from people who suffer a personal injury or death as a result of a crime of violence.

Compensation may be awarded on the basis of any vouched out of pocket expenses, including loss of earnings, experienced by the victim or, if the victim has died as a result of the incident, by the dependents of the victim.

The incident in which the injury was caused must have been reported to the Gardaí without delay.

Application must be made to the Tribunal as soon as possible but not later than three months after the incident. The Tribunal has authority under the scheme to extend this time limit in circumstances where the applicant can show that the reason for the delay in submitting the application justifies exceptional treatment of the application.

There is no time limit for fatal applications.

Function of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal administers the following schemes:

· the Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries Criminally Inflicted; and

· the Scheme of Compensation for Personal Injuries Criminally Inflicted on Prison Officers.

Both Schemes are non-statutory.

Further information concerning the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal can be accessed via the following link


Functions of the Members of the Tribunal

The Tribunal’s staff process applications in the first instance and may seek all relevant information as to the circumstances of the injury either from the applicant or otherwise.

A decision by the Tribunal on a claim may, in the first instance, be taken by a duly authorised officer of the Tribunal where the amount claimed does not exceed €317.50. Where the claim is for a greater sum than €317.50 or where the claimant is not satisfied with a decision by that officer, the decision is normally taken by one Member of the Tribunal. The Tribunal has discretion to hear any claim at a hearing before three Members of the Tribunal and a person who is dissatisfied with a decision given by one Member may also have his/her claim so heard. In the latter case the Member who gave the initial decision will not be one of the three Members of the Tribunal present at the hearing. Apart from an appeal by an applicant against a decision of a duly authorised officer or against a decision of one Member, there is no appeal against a decision of the Tribunal.

Appointed Members

Members of the Tribunal are appointed by the Minister for Justice and Equality. The Tribunal consists of a Chairperson and six ordinary Members. The Chairperson and each Member must be either a practising barrister or a practising solicitor. The Members of the Tribunal act on a part-time basis and are paid fees for work done.

Mr. John Cheatle, B.L. was appointed as Chairperson on 9 October, 2013.

In appointing persons to be ordinary Members of the Tribunal the Minister will have regard to the desirability of their having demonstrated a special interest or expertise in review and redress mechanisms, and fair procedures.


The following are the fees payable to Members of the Tribunal.

· Tribunal Meetings: €272.39

· Single Member Decisions, Scheme: €160.84

· Single Member Decisions, Prison Officer Scheme: €235.92

· Appeal Hearing Sittings: €361.39

· Chairperson’s Annual Fee: €2,062.38.

How to apply

Selection will be based on an examination of the expressions of interest received and a short-listing of the most suitable applicants. The Minister may, at his discretion, select persons from outside this list.

Persons wishing to express an interest in these positions should submit a completed Expression of Interest Form (see Appendix) and a covering letter (of no more than 500 words) to outlining how they meet the requirements.

Closing Date

Your Expression of Interest Form and covering letter must be forwarded so as to reach the Department of Justice and Equality at the above mentioned e-mail address no later than midnight, Tuesday 29 April, 2014.

Please use the Expression of Interest Form to demonstrate how your experience meets the requirements of the role.



Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal - Members


First Name(s)




Correspondence Address (If different from Address)

E-Mail Address

Work Phone Number

Home Phone Number

Mobile Phone Number


Employment Record

Give below, in date order (starting with your current employment), full particulars of all employment (including any periods of unemployment) between date of leaving school or college and the present date.

Title of Post Held Period in the Post

[In months – and state From and To Dates]

Description of Duties

Academic/Professional/Technical Qualifications

Give below full particulars of all academic, professional and technical qualifications you hold. Full Title of Degree(s)/

Qualifications(s) Held Date

Obtained Qualification



In the spaces provided below please provide details of your knowledge/experience of review and redress mechanisms and fair procedures.

Review and Redress Mechanisms

Fair Procedures

Other Relevant Information

In the space below please provide any other information you wish in support of your expression of interest.

Referee(s) Name




Contact Phone Number

E-Mail Address