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Bruton appoints three new Members to the Competition Authority

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today [Thursday] announced that he has appointed three new Members to the Competition Authority.

Professor Stephen Calkins will take up his appointment as Head of the Authority’s Mergers Division on the 1st of December. Mr Calkins is currently Vice President and Professor at Wayne State University Law School in Detroit where he lectures in competition law.

On the 5th December Mr Gerald FitzGerald will take up his appointment as Head of the Monopolies Division. Mr FitzGerald has already served as a temporary Member of the Authority but will now take up a permanent post.

The third appointee, Mr. Patrick Kenny, will take up his appointment on the 9th of January 2012 and will head up the Cartels Division. Mr. Kenny currently works with ComReg as a senior economic advisor. Mr. Kenny worked for several years in the Competition Authority as both an economist and a Divisional Manager.

Announcing the appointments, Minister Bruton said:

"I am delighted that such highly qualified personnel have agreed to serve as Members of the Competition Authority. These three people bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge that will greatly assist the Authority in its important work and I wish them well in their roles".

"As I have said repeatedly, we must work hard to reduce costs across the economy if we are to create an environment in Ireland in which job-creating businesses can start-up, grow and succeed. One key aspect of this is ensuring that there is effective prevention of anti-competitive practices which hurt the ordinary consumer, small business, and ultimately the economy. That is the crucial role of the Competition Authority".